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no-repeat;height:18px;width:6px;margin-bottom:0;margin-left:5px}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-position="right"]::after{margin-left:11px}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-position="right"]:hover::before,[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-position="right"]:hover::after{transform:translate3d(0,-50%,0)}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-size="small"]::after{white-space:initial;width:80px}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-size="medium"]::after{white-space:initial;width:150px}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-size="large"]::after{white-space:initial;width:260px} ABB / Power-One Inverter - Reparar Works

ABB / Power-One Inverter Repair Service

We offer a wide range of health-check & repair service for all in-warranty or out of warranty ABB solar Inverters. Repairs can be carried out at site or if required in a controlled environment at our Chennai  / Pune facility.  

Genuine ABB spare parts and procedures are followed. Each unit is rigorously tested with the correct AC & DC power supplies to ensure optimum performance. Our engineers are highly experienced with years of on site experience with all ABB product lines which ensures the highest levels of quality when carrying out repair works.

We use genuine spare parts for all ABB Inverters that are refurbished with spares warranty. We endeavour to repair all types of ABB Power-One solar inverters that can even be unresponsive units or with many fault codes including E031 and E023.

Common faults we have encountered and remedied include failure of the H bridge (a part of the circuit that converts the DC voltage from the panels to AC to the grid) as well as errors associated with relays.

ABB / Power-One Inverter Repair Service

Aurora, Power One solar inverter error code E031 

This fault indicates a relay failure and will mean the inverter most likely needs a replacement. Aurora is part of Power One range of solar inverters, now owned by ABB. Since Power-One has quit the solar inverter business, sourcing parts and processing warranty claims are tough.


Can Aurora solar power inverters be repaired?

Aurora inverters have very few repairable parts. Unfortunately in most cases the inverter will require a full replacement. In some cases maybe the inverter isn’t actually the issue! It can be fault wiring or DC isolators causing the Aurora inverter to stop working.  

We can perform a full system health-check to diagnose if its actually the inverter causing the issue. We estimate that about 70% of faults causing the inverter to stop working are actually caused by other issues like faulty panels, wiring or isolators.  


ABB / Power One Aurora Inverter Faults and Warnings: Riso Low:

If your Aurora solar inverter are showing a red GFI light and “Riso Low”.  This indicates a ground fault and generally means the DC from the solar

panels is connected (leakage) to the earthing of the system. This is usually caused by water/moisture. Common causes of the Rise Low is panel failure, DC rooftop or inverter isolators water ingress or wiring damage from vermin. If you have this fault you are going to need an expert to test your entire system. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


W001 – Sun Low: The inverter has identified low DC voltage that it believes is due to low solar irradiance. Low irradiance (sunlight) is to be expected in the mornings and evenings and on cloudy days and the inverter, if the fault passes on its own relatively quickly might simply be acknowledging this. However should there be plenty of sunlight and assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels or with the inverter. If you are concerned and or the fault doesn’t clear itself, Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


W002 – Input UV : The inverter has identified low DC voltage. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, no changes has been made near the installation area and the system has operated before without problems. Anything other than a brief warning on the display at startup or shutdown with this error code could indicate either a problem with the panels or with the inverter. If you are concerned and or the fault doesn’t clear itself, contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


W003 – Grid Fail: The inverter has identified  grid (mains power) characteristics outside of it’s pre-set safe operating parameters. If the situation persits then the inverter will not startup. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


W010 – Fan Broken: This error indicates an internal fan failure within the inverter. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


W011 – Bulk UV: The inverter has identified  under voltage. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels or with the inverter. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


W012 – Batt. Flat: The inverter is stating that the buffer battery inside the inverter is flat i.e. is not charging due to either a faulty battery or an internal charging error. To ensure that this is the case safely isolate the inverter and then restart it, if the time and date has reset itself to it’s factory default time, reset the date and time to the correct date, then restart the system again. If the time again resets to the factory default time and date then there is either an issue with the battery which should be replaced or an internal fault within the inverter preventing the battery from being charged. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E001 – Input OC: The inverter has identified high current from the panels. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly and has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels or with the inverter. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E002 – Input OV: The inverter has identified too much voltage from the panels. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels or with the inverter. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E003 – No Parameters: This is an internal error related to the main microcontroller and communications within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E004 – Bulk Over-voltage: The inverter has identified too much voltage from either the panels or the mains. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been correctly installed and has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels, the mains or with the inverter. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E005 – Comms. Error: There is a communications error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E006 – Output OC: Output Overcurrent, this fault/warning occurs when the output current exceeds the threshold that the inverter has been designed for. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly and has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This fault would suggest that there is a fault within the inverter. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E007 – IGBT SAT: This fault is an indication that the IGBT components within the inverter have become saturated. There are many factors that could contribute to this such as rapidly changing AC voltages from the grid or changing DC voltages from the panels. If the fault doesn’t clear itself and the measured (excluding the inverter) conditions are stable it would most likely indicate an internal fault within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E009 – Internal Error: This is an internal error, indicating a fault within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists please contact us.


E010 – Bulk Low: The inverter has identified low voltage. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels or with the inverter. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E011 – Ramp Low: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E012 – DcDc Fail: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E014 – Over Temp: The temperature inside the inverter is too hot, over the safe 60 degree limit. 

This could be due to a number of factors, for example 

1) If the inverter is exposed to direct sunlight 

2) If the inverter has been installed without adequate ventilation around the chassis which would allow excess heat to dissipate 

3) The inverters components are getting too hot due to an internal component fault. If the unit isn’t running hot and if after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E015 – Bulk Cap Fail: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E016 – Inverter Fail: This is an internal error, indicating a fault within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists please contact us.


E017 – Start Timeout: This error might present itself when startup voltages are hovering around the threshold required to fully start the inverter in conditions of low irradiance. Low irradiance (sunlight) is to be expected in the mornings and evenings and on cloudy days and the inverter, if the fault passes on it’s own relatively quickly might simply be acknowledging that power is present but not at a level sufficient enough to fully power the inverter. However should there be plenty of sunlight and assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels or with the inverter. If you are concerned and or the fault doesn’t clear itself, Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E018 – Ground Fault: This error is generated when during normal operation of the inverter, a leakage current to ground/earth is detected on the DC side of the system, although it is also possible that the inverter generates the alarm E018 message due to AC leakage currents connected to the capacitive nature of the photovoltaic generator compared to ground/earth. For as long as the situation persists then the inverter will not startup. Earth / Ground Faults (also called Iso or Isolation Faults) often present themselves when it is raining or at times of high humidity when moisture can enter the system. These faults often clear when conditions improve but they will not get better by themselves, potentially becoming more dangerous over time. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved. ult.


E019 – Ileak.sense Fail: This is an internal error, indicating a fault within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists please contact us.


E020 – Self Test Error 1: This is an internal error, indicating a fault within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists please contact us.


E021 – Self Test Error 2: This is an internal error, indicating a fault within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists please contact us.


E022 – Self Test Error 4: This is an internal error, indicating a fault within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists please contact us.


E023 – DC In Error: Rapidly changing DC voltages due to rapidly fluctuating irradiance levels or possibly grid disturbances might be the likely cause of an E023 error. If the fault doesn’t clear itself and the measured (excluding the inverter) conditions are stable it would most likely indicate an

internal fault within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists contact us with the exact

message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E024 – Internal Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E025 – Riso Low: This error is generated when during normal operation of the inverter, a leakage current to ground/earth is detected on the DC side of the system, although it is also possible that the inverter generates the alarm E018 message due to AC leakage currents connected to the capacitive nature of the photovoltaic generator compared to ground/earth. For as long as the situation persists then the inverter will not startup. Earth / Ground Faults (also called Iso or Isolation Faults) often present themselves when it is raining or at times of high humidity when moisture can enter the system. These faults often clear when conditions improve but they will not get better by themselves, potentially becoming more dangerous over time. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E026 – Vref Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E027 – Error Meas V: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E028 – Error Meas F: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E029 – Mid Bulk OV: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E030 – IError Meas Ieak: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E031 – Error Read V: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E032 – Error Read I: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E033 – UTH: The ambient temperature outside the inverter is too cold, under the safe -25 degree limit. If the unit isn’t in such a cold environment and if after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E034 – Interlock Fail: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E036 – V Out Avg Error: The grid voltage as measured by the inverter is too high. This may be caused by too high a grid impedance. In the final stage of the timeout, the inverter limits the power to check whether the grid voltage has stabilised into regular parameters. If the situation persits then the inverter will not startup. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E049 – AC FF Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E057 – Vbulk Reading Error: The inverter has identified  too much voltage from the panels. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels or with the inverter. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


E058 – Pin Vs Pout Check Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.


We are familiar and comfortable working with these units, please let us know if there is anything that we can help you with in regards to error codes and faults, repairs, advising on replacements and if you have any performance or safety concerns