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no-repeat;height:18px;width:6px;margin-bottom:0;margin-left:5px}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-position="right"]::after{margin-left:11px}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-position="right"]:hover::before,[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-position="right"]:hover::after{transform:translate3d(0,-50%,0)}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-size="small"]::after{white-space:initial;width:80px}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-size="medium"]::after{white-space:initial;width:150px}[role~="tooltip"][data-microtip-size="large"]::after{white-space:initial;width:260px} SolarEdge Inverter - Reparar Works

SolarEdge Inverter and Optimiser Faults and Repairs

SolarEdge commenced their optimiser sales from 2010, SolarEdge usually honours warranty & replacement claims. If you would like help in
diagnosing frequent failures or faults, carrying out servicing or repairs or are currently not being supported by your installer. We are happy to help !

SolarEdge Inverter & Optimiser Faults and Warnings:

V-Line Max or VLL Max: The inverter has identified a grid (mains) voltage that is too high in relation to the parameters that the inverter has been set to safely operate within. If this fault persists contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

V-Line Min or VLL Min: The inverter has identified a grid (mains) voltage that is too low in relation to the parameters that the inverter has been set to safely operate within. If this fault persists and mains power is available to other local circuits then check that all isolators, MCBs and RCBs on the AC side of the solar PV system are ‘On’. If automatic safety devices such as MCBs or RCBs have switched ‘Off’ then leave them ‘Off’ and contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

I-ACDC L1/L2/L3 – AC Overcurrent: The inverter has identified an AC high current over the permissible range deemed to be safe by the inverter. The inverter will monitor the grid and reconnect when the current is within range. If this fault persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Phase Balance Error: The inverter has identified an in-balance on the incoming phases from the grid (mains). If this fault persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Grid Sync Error: The inverter is no longer in grid parallel mode of operation due to frequency fluctuations from an unstable grid (mains) connection and has stopped feed‑in operation for safety reasons. If this fault persists contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

I-RCD STEP: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

I-RCD MAX: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

F-L1/L2/L3 Max 1/2/3: The inverter has identified a grid (mains) frequency that is too high in relation to the parameters that the inverter has been set to safely operate within. If this fault persists contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

F-L1/L2/L3 Min 1/2/3: The inverter has identified a grid (mains) frequency that is too low in relation to the parameters that the inverter has been set to safely operate within. If this fault persists and mains power is available to other local circuits then check that all isolators, MCBs and RCBs on the AC side of the solar PV system are ‘On’. If automatic safety devices such as MCBs or RCBs have switched ‘Off’ then leave them ‘Off’ and contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Islanding Trip 1/2 or Islanding-Active or Islanding-Passive: The inverter has identified a mains failure (a power cut). The inverter will monitor the grid and reconnect when mains voltage returns. If this fault persists and mains power is available to other local circuits then check that all isolators, MCBs and RCBs on the AC side of the solar PV system are ‘On’. If automatic safety devices such as MCBs or RCBs have switched ‘Off’ then leave them ‘Off’ and contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

TZ L1/L2/L3 – AC Overcurrent: The inverter has identified high AC current over the permissible range allowed for safe operation of the inverter. The inverter will monitor the grid and reconnect when the current is within range. If this fault persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Vsrg L1/L2 /L3 Max: The inverter has identified high AC voltage surge from the grid (mains). The inverter will monitor the grid and reconnect when conditions are stable. If this fault persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Wrong AC connection: The inverter has identified that the Live/Phase connectors are swapped on the AC supply side. This fault is unlikely to occur in an existing installation that has previously worked correctly. If this fault persists contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Overtemp: The temperature within the inverter is too hot. This could be due to a number of factors, for example 

1) If the inverter is exposed to direct sunlight 

2) If the inverter has been installed without adequate ventilation around the chassis which would allow excess heat to dissipate 

3) The inverters components are getting too hot due a blocked vent, a faulty or disabled fan or an internal component fault. If the unit isn’t running hot and if after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Undertemp: The inverter is measuring an ambient temperature that is too cold. In the UK this error is possible but unlikely. If the inverter isn’t frozen
then if after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the
screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Main Error: The inverter has identified a grid voltage or impedance that is either too low or too high in relation to the parameters that the inverter has been set to safely operate within. The inverter will monitor the grid and reconnect when the voltage is within range. If this fault persists and mains power is available to other local circuits then check that all isolators, MCBs and RCBs on the AC side of the solar PV system are ‘On’.  If automatic safety devices such as MCBs or RCBs have switched ‘Off’ then leave them ‘Off’ and contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

IRCDMax: This error is generated when during normal operation of the inverter, a surge current to ground/earth is detected on the DC side of the system. An error such as this could be an indication of a serious or sudden fault or damage to the DC side of the system. We would advise that you safely shutdown the system (contact us if you would like help to do this) and visually inspect the system for any obvious damage or fault. If safe to do so restart the system, connecting one DC string at a time. If this fault persists contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen
to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Temp Sensor fault: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

DC Injection (Line 1/2/3): The inverter has detected a DC feed on the AC power input. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Fan # Failure: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

SW Error:This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Hardware Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Measurement Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Faulty AC Relay: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

RCD Sensor Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

UDC Max: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

UDC Min: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Arc detector self-test failed: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Isolation – Isolation Error: This error is generated when during normal operation of the inverter, a leakage current to ground/earth is detected on the DC side of the system. Earth / Ground Faults (also called Iso or Isolation Faults) often present themselves when it is raining or at times of high humidity when moisture can enter the system. These faults often clear when conditions improve but they will not get better by themselves, potentially becoming more dangerous over time. We would advise that you book an engineers visit in order to carry out a full system test, identify the source and rectify the fault.

RCD Test: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Controller 3 Err: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Tz Over current 1/2/3: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

SE Communication: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Communication Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Tz Over voltage cap 1/2/3: The inverter has identified a grid (mains) voltage that is too high in relation to the parameters that the inverter has been set to safely operate within. If this fault persists contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues might be and how they can be resolved.

Tz Over current Rcd: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Vf1/2/3 surge: The inverter has identified an AC voltage surge from the grid (mains). The inverter will monitor the grid and reconnect
when conditions are stable. If this fault persists then contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues
might be and how they can be resolved.

RSD Error: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Unbalanced DC Voltage: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Common Voltage Too High: This is an internal error within the inverter. If after the system has been safely shutdown and restarted this condition persists then contact us.

Pairing failed: The inverter is unable to connect with some or all of the optimisers. This can happen in low light levels and will often repair itself when conditions improve. If there is sufficient solar irradiation (sunlight) and the inverter still cannot find some or all of the optimisers, contact us to talk you through how to restart the pairing sequence and if necessary, help you, using the LCD display on the inverter to find the non-reporting

String voltage is 0V: Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels, an optimiser or with the inverter. We would advise that the DC side of the system including the inverter is tested. Contact us with the exact message as displayed on the screen to discuss what these issues
might be and how they can be resolved.

String voltage not 0V but lower than number of optimisers: Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels, an optimiser or with the inverter. We would advise that the DC side of the system including the inverter is tested.

String voltage is higher than number of optimisers: The inverter has identified too much voltage from the optimisers and panels. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels, an optimiser or with the inverter. We would advise that the DC side of the system
including the inverter be tested.

Arc Fault Detected: The inverter has identified an arc fault on the DC side of the system. An arc occurs when cables or connectors are incorrectly connected or damaged causing current to arc through the air. We would advise that you book an engineers visit in order to carry out a full system test, identify the source and rectify the fault as soon as possible.

DC Voltage Too High (surge): The inverter is measuring too much voltage from the optimisers and panels. Assuming that this is an existing installation that has been installed correctly, has recently not been changed or upgraded and has operated before without problems. This could mean either a problem with the panels, an optimiser or with the inverter. We would advise that the DC side of the system including the inverter be tested.

Night Mode – The inverter will normally enter night mode if the level of solar irradiation (sunlight) drops below the level required to power the system. If your system should be stuck in ‘Night Mode” at times when the system would normally be operational then this might be an indication of a fault on the DC side of the system such as with the panels, optimisers or with the inverter. Check that any isolators including any built in isolators on the underside of the inverter are switched ‘On’ if they are and everything looks correct, then contact us to test the DC side of the system.

We are familiar and comfortable working with these units, please let us know if there is anything that we can help you with in regards to error codes and faults, repairs, advising on replacements and if you have any performance or safety concerns.